Resolved to have a peaceful and fulfilling experience today. Instead of meticulously planning out every detail from first light to glorious night, I decided to let this day flow through me and around me. I'd come to the conclusion that the lack of order and intention in my world was responsible for my epic fail in inner peace 101. But, that is precisely the opposite of what's going on. In reality, constant worry about what might happen (anxiety) and inability to manifest tranquility because of that fear (procrastination), has turned my life into one big WHAT IF? Everyone can relate to "what ifs" syndrome, but few of us every examine the effects (and affect) that kind of thinking has on our ability to make peace within ourselves and in our world. Some truisms come to mind as ironically relevant illustrations of this point:
In addition to examining the literature, I'm adding some personal tips for beginning this journey to inner peace.
1. Cultivate an "AND SO IT IS" Attitude
There is a replacement or supplement (however you choose to look at it) for the traditional prayer ending, Amen that many people in the spiritual community practice. "And So It Is" is symbolizes the fact that what you've prayed for and/or meditated on is already part of the Universe. It is believed that whatever we send out in prayer, action ,and intention comes back to us (what goes around comes around-it's worded differently in every religion, but the essence remains the same). If we do, talk about, think about, and simply BE about positive things for ourselves and others, there is at least a better chance that those things will come into existence. Even if you don't believe that believing can make things come into being, isn't it much better to have positive things on your mind than the "what ifs" or "whoa is mes?"
2. Resolve to change the things that you can, acknowledge and let go of the things you absolutely cannot
As much as I am the first one to believe in personal power to transform our own minds and external situations, there are those things that we simply CAN NOT change, no matter how hard we try or how hard we punish ourselves. Letting go of the unchangeable and superfluous aspects of our being allows for more time to focus on the things that we can change. Letting go is not always giving up when it gives us the opportunity to attend to what matters most.
The Serenity Prayer:
3. Don't feel forced to (blindly)* follow anyone else's guidelines or prescription for a happy life.
There are many times in our lives when we feel unable to address an issue on our own. Perhaps we don't have the necessary experience to inform us about a solution. Or, we seek the guidance of someone who can not only provide information, nut can also serve as a support system along our journey (Think Dorothy trekking along the yellow brick road with the Tin Man, the Lion, and The Scarecrow). However, blindly and insecurely following the instructions of others simply because we doubt our own abilities or because that person seems to know more about something or in general than we do, can lead to unwelcome consequences.
Remember that you are more powerful than you may be able to imagine, accept (right now), or can understand (at this moment). This power comes from your ability to make things happen within yourself and in the world around you
ex. you may feel like a servant to BIG business or the government, but if you start writing letters of complaint about faulty products or practices, and use your sincerity and voice to organize others, you can change the way that business does business, or whether it does business at all. At the very least, you will influence a change of policy for your local branch of that BIG business.
*People you know, trust, and who have genuine experience with the goals that you seek to accomplish are great resources. CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and support can greatly enhance your journey.
4. Eradicate Toxic Relationships!
This part of the post got deleted, so I will rewrite it later. Thanks for understanding :)
These are things that I've come to learn along my journey to inner peace, and I am definitely still learning and experiencing. Therefore, this post will be something to revisit. I hope this helps.
You alone decide what inner peace means and looks like to you. So, at the end of the
day, nothing else matters besides making every day count in your book.
That Which Does Not Kill Us Makes Us Stronger
What you think means more than anything else in your life. More than what you earn, more than where you live, more than your social position, and more than what anyone else may think about you.
In addition to examining the literature, I'm adding some personal tips for beginning this journey to inner peace.
1. Cultivate an "AND SO IT IS" Attitude
There is a replacement or supplement (however you choose to look at it) for the traditional prayer ending, Amen that many people in the spiritual community practice. "And So It Is" is symbolizes the fact that what you've prayed for and/or meditated on is already part of the Universe. It is believed that whatever we send out in prayer, action ,and intention comes back to us (what goes around comes around-it's worded differently in every religion, but the essence remains the same). If we do, talk about, think about, and simply BE about positive things for ourselves and others, there is at least a better chance that those things will come into existence. Even if you don't believe that believing can make things come into being, isn't it much better to have positive things on your mind than the "what ifs" or "whoa is mes?"
2. Resolve to change the things that you can, acknowledge and let go of the things you absolutely cannot
As much as I am the first one to believe in personal power to transform our own minds and external situations, there are those things that we simply CAN NOT change, no matter how hard we try or how hard we punish ourselves. Letting go of the unchangeable and superfluous aspects of our being allows for more time to focus on the things that we can change. Letting go is not always giving up when it gives us the opportunity to attend to what matters most.
The Serenity Prayer:
Occupying your mind with positive activities seems easy enough, but the net gains are priceless. No activity is too small or "insignificant." Don't think that collecting stamps or watering your garden are not worthy spiritual building activities because they aren't yoga or meditation. Incorporating things into your life in that enrich and "Serenitize" YOUR BEING is the most important factor.
- [Your Higher Power],
- Grant me the serenity;
- To accept the things I cannot change;
- The courage, to change the things I can;
- And the wisdom, to know the difference.
- Living one day at a time;
- Enjoying one moment at a time;
- Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace...
- So that I may be supremely happy in this life
- And supremely happy
- Forever and ever in the next.
3. Don't feel forced to (blindly)* follow anyone else's guidelines or prescription for a happy life.
There are many times in our lives when we feel unable to address an issue on our own. Perhaps we don't have the necessary experience to inform us about a solution. Or, we seek the guidance of someone who can not only provide information, nut can also serve as a support system along our journey (Think Dorothy trekking along the yellow brick road with the Tin Man, the Lion, and The Scarecrow). However, blindly and insecurely following the instructions of others simply because we doubt our own abilities or because that person seems to know more about something or in general than we do, can lead to unwelcome consequences.
Remember that you are more powerful than you may be able to imagine, accept (right now), or can understand (at this moment). This power comes from your ability to make things happen within yourself and in the world around you
ex. you may feel like a servant to BIG business or the government, but if you start writing letters of complaint about faulty products or practices, and use your sincerity and voice to organize others, you can change the way that business does business, or whether it does business at all. At the very least, you will influence a change of policy for your local branch of that BIG business.
*People you know, trust, and who have genuine experience with the goals that you seek to accomplish are great resources. CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and support can greatly enhance your journey.
4. Eradicate Toxic Relationships!
This part of the post got deleted, so I will rewrite it later. Thanks for understanding :)
These are things that I've come to learn along my journey to inner peace, and I am definitely still learning and experiencing. Therefore, this post will be something to revisit. I hope this helps.
You alone decide what inner peace means and looks like to you. So, at the end of the
day, nothing else matters besides making every day count in your book.
And So It Is!☮
In Love and Peace,
"What If's" cripples our minds limits by bounding us to invisible shackles. & I'm glad you mentioned eradicating toxic relationships. It is so relevant because @ the end of the day, your friends reflect who you are. Good post:)